【报告题目】 Magnetic and superconducting correlation in monolayer and twisted bilayer graphene
【报 告 人】 马天星教授
【时 间】 2019-03-13 4:00 pm (Wedensday)
【地 点】 理工楼801报告厅
Using exact quantum Monte Carlo method, we identify the phase diagram of the half filled, the lightly doped and heavily doped graphene, which shows a rather rich physical properties. At half filling, the system is driven to a Mott insulator with antiferromagnetic long range order by increasing interaction, and a transition from a d+id pairing to a p+ip pairing is revealed, depends on the next-nearest hoping and the electronic fillings. We also examine the recent novel electronic states seen in magic-angle graphene superlattices. From the Hubbard model on a double-layer honeycomb lattice with a rotation angle θ=1.08 , we reveal that an antiferromagnetically ordered Mott insulator emerges beyond a critical U c at half filling, and with a small doping, the pairing with d+id symmetry dominates over other pairings at low temperature. The effective d+id pairing interaction strongly increase as the on-site Coulomb interaction increases, indicating that the superconductivity is driven by electron-electron correlation. Our non-biased numerical results demonstrate that the twisted bilayer graphene share the similar superconducting mechanism of high temperature superconductors, which is a new and idea platform for further investigating the strongly correlated phenomena.
工作。主要从事电子关联体系磁性和超导电性的研究,包括石墨烯、铁基超导体、有阻挫系统等,已在Phys. Rev. Lett.、Phys.Rev.B,Appl.Phys.Lett.等上发表50余篇学术论文。