长期致力于开展新型二维纳米材料的可控制备、物性表征、及器件应用研究。近几年在Nature Materials、Nature Communications等国际期刊上发表了30多篇SCI研究论文,论文被包括Nature, Science在内的SCI收录论文他引2039多次,个人一作单篇最高引用418次。其中有9篇论文入选ESI数据库近十年以来高被引论文(Highly Cited Paper),2篇个人一作论文入选2013年ESI近两年全球最有影响力论文(Hot Paper)。2013年获全国百篇优秀博士学位论文奖。
1) L Shen, Y Zhao, Y Wang, R Song, Q Yao, S Chen*, and Y Chai*. Long-term corrosion barrier with insulating boron nitride monolayer.Journal of Materials Chemistry A (2016) 4, 5044-5050.
2) X Chen, L Zhang, S. Chen*. Large area CVD growth of graphene. Synthetic Metals (2015) 210, PartA, 95-108. (邀请综述论文)
3) Q Li, C Zhang, W lin, Z Huan, L Zhang, H Li, X Chen, W Cai, R Ruoff, S Chen*. Controllable seeding of single crystal graphene islands from graphene oxide flakes. Carbon (2014) 79, 406-412.
4) H Li, H Ying, X Chen, D Nika, A Cocemasov, W Cai, A Balandin, S. Chen*. Thermal conductivity of twisted bilayer graphene. Nanoscale (2014) 6, 13402-13408.
5) Q Li, H Chou, J Zhong, J Liu, A Dolocan, J Zhang, Y Zhou, R Ruoff, S Chen*, W Cai. Growth of adlayer graphene on Cu studied by carbon isotope labeling. Nano Letters (2013) 13(2), 486-490.
6) S. Chen, H. Ji, H. Chou, Q. Li, H. Li, J. Suk, R. Piner, L. Liao, W. Cai, R. Ruoff, Millimeter-size single-crystal graphene by suppressing evaporative loss of Cu during low pressure chemical vapor deposition. Advanced Materials (2013) 25, 2062–2065.
7) S Chen, Q Wu, C Mishra, J Kang, H Zhang, K Cho, W Cai, A Balandin, R Ruoff. Thermal conductivity of isotopically modified graphene. Nature Materials (2012) 11(3), 203-207.
8) S Chen, W Cai, R Piner, J Suk, Y Wu, Y Ren, J Kang, R Ruoff. Synthesis and characterization of large-area graphene and graphite films on commercial Ni-Cu alloy foils. Nano Letters (2011) 11(9), 3519-3525.
9) S Chen, A Moore, W Cai, J Suk, J An, C Mishra, C Amos, C Magnuson, J Kang, L Shi, R. Ruoff. Raman measurements of thermal transport in suspended monolayer graphene of variable sizes in vacuum and gaseous environments. ACS Nano (2011) 5(1), 321-328.
10) S Chen, L Brown, M Levendorf, W Cai, S Ju, J Edgeworth, X Li, C Magnuson, A Velamakanni, R Piner, J Kang, J Park, R Ruoff. Oxidation resistance of graphene-coated Cu and Cu/Ni alloy. ACS Nano (2011) 5(1), 1321-1327.
11) S Chen, Q Li, Q Zhang, Y Qu, H Ji, R Ruoff, W Cai. Thermal conductivity measurements of suspended graphene with and without wrinkles by micro-Raman mapping. Nanotechnology (2012) 23, 365701.
12) S Chen, W Cai, D Chen, Y Ren, X Li, Y Zhu, J Kang, R Ruoff. Adsorption/desorption and electrically controlled flipping of ammonia molecules on graphene. New Journal of Physics (2010) 12, 125011-1-8.