课题组以应用需求为牵引,面向能源存储和转化材料、先进无机发光材料、先进陶瓷材料领域,立足于燃烧合成、高温等离子体处理等非平衡制备技术优势,开展应用基础和关键技术攻关研究。主持/参与了国家自然科学基金面上项目、国家重点研发计划、中央在京高校重大成果转化项目等,在Advanced Functional Materials、Advanced Energy Materials 、Energy Storage Materials、Optics Letters、Advanced optical Materials、Journal of the American Ceramic Society、Journal of the European Ceramic Society等期刊上发表SCI论文90余篇。
1.Li Z, Sun C, Li M, et al. Na2. 5VTi0. 5Al0. 5 (PO4) 3 as Long Lifespan Cathode for Fast Charging Sodium‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2315114 (2024).
2.Li M, Sun C, Yuan X, et al. A Configuration Entropy Enabled High‐Performance Polyanionic Cathode for Sodium‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2314019 (2024).
3.Sun C, Ni Q, Li M, et al. Improving Rate Performance by Inhibiting Jahn–Teller Effect in Mn‐Based Phosphate Cathode for Na‐Ion Batteries. Advanced Functional Materials, 2024, 34(7): 2310248.
4.Chen Z, Du S, Zhu K, et al. Mn4+-activated double-perovskite-type Sr2LuNbO6 multifunctional phosphor for optical probing and lighting. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(23): 28193-28203.
5.Li Y, Sun Z, Yuan X, et al. NaBr-Assisted Sintering of Na3Zr2Si2PO12 Ceramic Electrolyte Stabilizes a Rechargeable Solid-state Sodium Metal Battery. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2023, 15(42): 49321-49328.
6.Zhu K, Chen Z, Liu H, et al. Color-adjustable fluorescence and red persistent luminescence of rare earth-free CaAlSiN3: Mn2+ phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis. Optical Materials, 2023, 139: 113765.
7. Q. Ni, Y. Xiong, Z. Sun, C. Sun, Y. Li, X. Yuan, H. Jin, Y. Zhao, Rechargeable Sodium Solid-State Battery Enabled by In Situ Formed Na-K Interphase, Advanced Energy Materials, 2023,13(17): 2300271.
8. K. Zhu, Z. Chen, H. Liu, X. Yi, Y. Wang, J. Chen, X. Yuan, G. Liu, Polychromatic long persistent luminescence of CaAlSiN3:Ln (Ln=Eu, Ce, Dy, Pr, Tb, Gd, Sm, Tm, Nd) phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 946 (2023).
9. Y. Niu, Y. Wang, K. Zhu, W. Ye, Z. Feng, H. Liu, X. Yi, Y. Wang, X. Yuan, Thermally enhanced photoluminescence and temperature sensing properties of Sc2W3O12:Eu3+ phosphors, Chin. Phys. B 32, 028703 (2023).
10. C. Zuo, W. Tang, C. Ma, C. Chang, K. Fan, Y. Li, X. Yuan, Z. Wen, Y. Cao, BaMg0.28Zr0.16Ta0.56O3: Dy3+ an reversible inorganic photochromic material with large photochromic efficiency and high luminescence modulation, Journal of Luminescence, 255 (2023).
11. K. Zhu, Z. Chen, Y. Wang, H. Liu, Y. Niu, X. Yi, Y. Wang, X. Yuan, G. Liu, (M,Ca)AlSiN3:Eu2+ (M=Sr, Mg) long persistent phosphors prepared by combustion synthesis and applications in displays and optical information storage, Journal of Luminescence, 252 (2022).
12. C. Sun, Y. Zhao, Q. Ni, Z. Sun, X. Yuan, J. Li, H. Jin, Reversible multielectron redox in NASICON cathode with high energy density for low-temperature sodium-ion batteries, Energy Storage Materials, 49 (2022) 291-298.
13. Q. Ni, Y. Zhao, X. Yuan, J. Li, H. Jin, Dual-Function of Cation-Doping to Activate Cationic and Anionic Redox in a Mn-Based Sodium-Layered Oxide Cathode, Small, 18 (2022).
14. Z. Chen, Z. Tian, J. Zhang, F. Li, S. Du, W. Cui, X. Yuan, K. Chen, G. Liu, Deep-red-emitting Ca2ScSbO6:Mn4+ phosphors with a double perovskite structure: Synthesis, characterization and potential in plant growth lighting, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105 (2022) 2094-2104.
15. Z. Chen, Z. Tian, J. Zhang, F. Li, S. Du, S. Zhang, K. Zhu, W. Cui, X. Yuan, K. Chen, G. Liu, Novel deep-red-emitting double-perovskite type Ca2ScNbO6:Mn4+ phosphor: Structure, spectral study, and improvement by NaF flux, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105 (2022) 4230-4241.
16. W. Tang, C. Zuo, C. Ma, Y. Wang, Y. Li, X. Yuan, E. Wang, Z. Wen, Y. Cao, Designing photochromic materials with high photochromic contrast and large luminescence modulation for hand-rewritable information displays and dual-mode optical storage, Chemical Engineering Journal, 435 (2022).
17. C. Zhao, Y. Li, W. Ye, X. Shen, Z. Wen, X. Yuan, Y. Cao, C. Ma, Ligand-Free CsPbBr3 Perovskite Quantum Dots in Silica-Aerogel Composites with Enhanced Stability for w-LED and Display by Substituting Pb2+ with Pr3+ or Gd3+ Ions, Advanced Optical Materials, 10 (2022).
18. Z. Feng, K. Zhu, X. Yuan, Y. Cao, C. Ma, Investigation on transparent Nd:YAG ceramic/YAG crystal composite by pressureless thermal diffusion bonding, Materials Letters, 320 (2022).
19. X. Hao, S. Wan, S. Du, Z. Chen, J. Zhang, X. Yuan, Q. Wang, Synthesis and luminescence properties of red-emitting AlN:Mn2+ spherical phosphors, Journal of the American Ceramic Society, 105 (2022) 6787-6798.
20. Y. Li, C. Ma, W. Ye, C. Zuo, Y. Wang, X. Shen, Z. Chen, C. Chang, X. Yuan, Y. Cao, Translucent red-emitting AlN: Mn phosphor ceramics with high luminescence thermal stability, Journal of Luminescence, 244 (2022).
21. C. Sun, Y.-J. Zhao, X.-Y. Yuan, J.-B. Li, H.-B. Jin, Bimetal nanoparticles hybridized with carbon nanotube boosting bifunctional oxygen electrocatalytic performance, Rare Metals, 41 (2022) 2616-2623.
22. W. Tang, C. Zuo, Y. Li, C. Ma, X. Yuan, Y. Cao, Z. Wen, Inner mechanism of Pr3+ luminescence thermometers based on the intervalence charge transfer state, Optical Materials Express, 12 (2022) 727-737.
23. W. Tang, C. Zuo, C. Ma, C. Chang, F. Dang, H. Liu, Y. Li, X. Yuan, Z. Wen, L. Wu, Y. Cao, Rapid high-contrast reversible coloration of Ba3MgSi2O8:Pr3+ photochromic materials for rewritable light-printing, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 10 (2022) 18375-18384.
24. Y. Wang, Y. Li, C. Ma, Z. Wen, X. Yuan, Y. Cao, Temperature sensing properties of NaYTiO4: Yb/Tm phosphors based on near-infrared up-conversion luminescence, Journal of Luminescence, 248 (2022).
25. Y. Wang, X. Yuan, Y. Cao, C. Ma, Multiple anti-counterfeiting strategy by integrating up-conversion, down-shifting luminescence, phosphorescence and photochromism into NaYTiO4: Bi/Er phosphors, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 130 (2022) 219-226.
26. C. Zuo, W. Tang, Y. Li, C. Ma, X. Yuan, Z. Wen, Y. Cao, The deep red fluorescent transparent ceramics of Pr3+ doped BaZr0.16Mg0.28Ta0.56O3 based on P30-3F2 transition, Materials Research Bulletin, 148 (2022).