课题组长期致力于发展新的无序结构表征方法和计算模拟技术、利用机器学习等方法,研究当前实验上难以解决、制约非晶研发和创新的关键科学问题,如无序结构表征难题、合金液体的结构和动力学关联性、玻璃形成能力的微观机理以及合金过冷液体的晶化和玻璃转变机制、非晶合金的形变机理等,取得了一系列具有创新性和国际影响力的研究成果。在包括Nature Communications, Physical Review Letters等国际著名学术期刊发表70余篇论文,总引用>1500次,H因子20。2011年入选教育部新世纪优秀人才支持计划。担任中国物理学会非晶态物理专业委员会委员。
1. X. Y. Li, H. P. Zhang, S. Lan, D. L. Abernathy, T. Otomo, F. W. Wang, Y. Ren, M. Z. Li*, X.-L. Wang*, "Observation of high-frequency transverse phonons in metallic glasses", Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 225902 (2020).
2. Y. T. Sun, H. Y. Bai, M. Z. Li*, W. H. Wang*, "Machine learning approach for prediction and understanding of glass-forming ability", J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 8, 3434 (2017).
3. Y. C. Hu, F. X. Li, M. Z. Li*, H. Y. Bai, W. H. Wang*, “Five-fold symmetry as indicator of dynamic arrest in metallic glass-forming liquids", Nature Commun. 6, 8310 (2015).
4. Z. W. Wu, M. Z. Li*, W. H. Wang, K. X. Liu*, “Hidden topological order and its correlation with glass-forming ability in metallic glasses", Nature Commun. 6, 6035 (2015).
5. W. Xu, M. T. Sandor, Y. Yao, H. B. Ke, H. P. Zhang, M. Z. Li, W. H. Wang, L. Liu, Y. Wu,“Evidence of liquid-liquid transition in glass-frming La50Al35Ni15 melt above liquidus temperature", Nature Commun. 6, 7696 (2015).
6. Z. W. Wu, M. Z. Li*, W. H. Wang, K. X. Liu*, Correlation between structural relaxation and connectivity of icosahedral clusters in CuZr metallic glass-forming liquids", Phys. Rev. B. 88, 054202 (2013).
7. H. L. Peng, M. Z. Li*, W. H. Wang, “Structural signature of plastic deformation in metallic glasses”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 135503 (2011).
8. M. Z. Li*, Y. Han, and J. W. Evans, “Comment on capture zone scaling in island nucleation”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 149601 (2010).
9. H. L. Peng, M. Z. Li*, W. H. Wang, C.-Z. Wang, and K. M. Ho, “Effect of local structures and atomic packing on glass forming ability in CuZr metallic glasses”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 96, 021901 (2010). Highlighted by //www.nature.com/am/journal/2010/201004/full/am2010115a.html
10. M. Z. Li*, C.-Z. Wang, S. G. Hao, M. Kramer, and K. M. Ho, “Structural heterogeneity and medium-range order in ZrCu metallic glasses”, Phys. Rev. B 80, 184201 (2009).
11. M. Z. Li* and J. W. Evans, “Theoretical analysis of mound slope selection during unstable multilayer growth”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 256101 (2005).
12. E. Cox, M. Z. Li*, P.-W. Chung, C. Ghosh, T. S. Rahman, C. J. Jenks, J. W. Evans, and P. A. Thiel, “Temperature-dependence of island growth shapes in submonolayer deposition of Ag on Ag(111)”, Phys. Rev. B 71, 115414 (2005).
13. M. Z. Li*, M. C. Bartelt, and J. W. Evans, “Geometry-based simulation of submonolayer film growth”, Phys. Rev. B 68, 121401(R) (2003).
14. M. Z. Li, J. F. Wendelken, B.-G. Liu, E. G. Wang, and Z. Zhang, “Decay characteristics of surface mounds with contrasting interlayer mass transport channels”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 86, 2345 (2001).