1. Jia-Ming Wang†, Jing-Xuan Wang†, Rong-Qiang He*, Li Huang*, and Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Ab initio dynamical mean-field theory with natural orbitals renormalization group impurity solver: Formalism and applications”, arXiv:2410.16791 (2024).
2. Jia-Ming Wang†, Yin Chen†, Yi-Heng Tian†, Rong-Qiang He*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Low-energy inter-band Kondo bound states in orbital-selective Mott phases”, arXiv:2407.15242 (2024).
3. Zhenfeng Ouyang, Rong-Qiang He*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “DFT+DMFT study of correlated electronic structure in the monolayer-trilayer phase of La3Ni2O7”, arXiv:2407.08601 (2024).
4. Yin Chen†, Yi-Heng Tian†, Jia-Ming Wang†, Rong-Qiang He*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Non-Fermi liquid and antiferromagnetic correlations with hole doping in the bilayer two-orbital Hubbard model of La3Ni2O7 at zero temperature”, arXiv:2407.13737 (2024).
5. He-Yu Lin, Rong-Qiang He*, Yibin Guo*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “A hybrid method integrating Green's function Monte Carlo and projected entangled pair states”, Chinese Phys. B 33, 117504 (2024).
6. Jing-Xuan Wang, Zhenfeng Ouyang, Rong-Qiang He*, and Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Non-Fermi liquid and Hund correlation in La4Ni3O10 under high pressure”, Phys. Rev. B 109, 165140 (2024).
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9. Jia-Qi Wang, Rong-Qiang He*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Variational optimization of the amplitude of neural-network quantum many-body ground states”, Phys. Rev. B 109, 245120 (2024).
10. Xiao-Qi Han, Sheng-Song Xu, Zhen Feng, Rong-Qiang He*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Framework for Contrastive Learning Phases of Matter Based on Visual Representations”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 40, 027501 (2023).
11. Chen Peng, Rong-Qiang He*, Yuan-Yao He*, and Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Combined spontaneous symmetry-breaking and symmetry-protected topological order from cluster charge interactions”, Phys. Rev. Research 2, 033291 (2020).
12. Chen Peng, Rong-Qiang He*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Correlation effects in quadrupole insulators: A quantum Monte Carlo study”, Phys. Rev. B 102, 045110 (2020).
13. Rong-Qiang He, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Interaction-Induced Characteristic Length in Strongly Many-Body Localized Systems”, Chin. Phys. Lett. 35, 027101 (2018).
14. Rong-Qiang He, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Characterizing many-body localization by out-of-time-ordered correlation”, Phys. Rev. B 95, 054201 (2017) Editors' Suggestion.
15. Rong-Qiang He, Zheng-Yu Weng*, “On the possibility of many-body localization in a doped Mott insulator”, Sci. Rep. 6, 35208 (2016).
16. Rong-Qiang He, Jianhui Dai*, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Natural Orbitals Renormalization Group Approach to the Two-Impurity Kondo Critical Point”, Phys. Rev. B 91, 155140 (2015).
17. Rong-Qiang He, Zhong-Yi Lu*, “Quantum Renormalization Groups Based on Natural Orbitals”, Phys. Rev. B 89, 085108 (2014).