【报告题目】 Emergent Quantum Spin States and Excitations in Correlated Electron Systems: A Spectral Perspective
【报 告 人】 李建新 教授
【时 间】 2019-06-05 4:00 pm (Wedensday)
【地 点】 理工楼801报告厅
The search for the exotic quantum spin phases and excitations constitutes one of the most important and hot issues in modern condensed matter physics. In this talk, I will briefly review recent theoretical and experimental progress on this subject. After this overview, I will present our investigation on the whole excitation spectra of the J1-J2 Heisenberg model based on the extension of the electronic cluster perturbation theory to spin systems, including the excitations from possible deconfined spin-1/2 spinons beyond the conventional spin-1 magnons for small J2 and a broad continuum in the entire spectrum which is attributed to a Z2 quantum spin liquid with the help of the VMC analysis. Using this method, we also show the coexistence of fractional spin excitations and magnons in the spectra of the Kitaev-(off-diagonal) model, which is suggested to describe the spin-orbital Mott insulator-RuCl3. Finally, I will discuss the ferromagnetic excitation spectra of the Chern and Z2 Hubbard model.