在扫描探针显微分析技术领域具有长期的工作经验和优异的工作基础,曾利用扫描探针技术的功能成像、谱学测量以及原子/分子操纵等功能手段系统地开展了多个方面的研究工作,获得了多项前沿性的研究结果。在国际有影响力的学术期刊上共发表论文近60篇,部分研究结果在Physical Review Letters,Nature Communications,ACS Nano等著名科学期刊发表。
1.L Lei, YZ Lun, FY Cao, L Meng, SY Xing, JF Guo, HY Dong, SZ Gu, KQ Xu, S Hussain, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, F Pang, W Ji, JW Hong, R Xu, and ZH Cheng, “Size-dependent strain-engineered nanostructures in MoS2 monolayer investigated by atomic force microscopy”. Nanotechnology 32, 465703 (2021)
2. F Pang, FY Cao, L Lei, L Meng, SL Ye, SY Xing, JF Guo, HY Dong, S Hussain, SZ Gu, KQ Xu, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Strain-Engineering Rippling and Manipulation of Single Layer WS2 by Atomic Force Microscopy", Journal of Physical Chemistry C 125, 8696 (2021)
3. R Xu, F Pang, YH Pan, YZ Lun, L Meng, ZY Zheng, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, JW Hong, W Ji, ZH Cheng, "Atomically Asymmetric Inversion Scales up to Mesoscopic Single-Crystal Monolayer Flakes", ACS Nano 14, 13834-13840 (2020).
4. S Hussain, R Xu, KQ Xu, L Lei, L Meng, ZY Zheng, SY Xing, JF Guo, HY Dong, A Liaqat, M Iqbal, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, F Pang, W Ji, LM Xie, ZH Cheng, "Strain-Induced Hierarchical Ripples in MoS2 Layers Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy", Applied Physics Letters 117, 153102 (2020)
5. KQ Xu, YH Pan, SL Ye, L Lei, S Hussain, QM Wang, ZY Yang, XM Liu, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, "Shear Anisotropy-Driven Crystallographic Orientation Imaging in Flexible Hexagonal Two-Dimensional Atomic Crystals", Applied Physics Letters 115, 063101 (2019) (该文章被编辑推荐为特色文章,同时美国物理协会的Scilight也对该工作进行了专题采访并发表评论文章。Webpage: //aip.scitation.org/doi/10.1063/1.5122952)
6. R Xu, XS Wang, ZY Zheng, SL Ye, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, F Pang, XM Liu, YJ Li, Y Sugawara, W Ji, LM Xie, ZH Cheng, “Interfacial Water Intercalation-Induced Metal-Insulator Transition in NbS2/BN Heterostructure”, Nanotechnology 29, 594-601 (2019)
7. KQ Xu, SL Ye, L Lei, L Meng, S Hussain, ZY Zheng, HR Zeng, W Ji, R Xu, ZH Cheng, “Dynamic interfacial mechanical-thermal characteristics of atomically thin two-dimensional crystals”, Nanoscale 10, 13548 (2018)
8. R Xu, SL Ye, KQ Xu, L Lei, S Hussain, ZY Zheng, F Pang, SY Xing, XM Liu, W Ji, ZH Cheng, “Nanoscale charge transfer and diffusion at the MoS2/SiO2 interface by atomic force microscopy: contact injection versus triboelectrification”, Nanotechnology 29, 355701 (2018)
9. R Xu, Z Zheng, W Ji, Z Cheng, "Advanced scanning microwave microscopy" Progress in Physics 35, 241 (2015).
10. R Xu, LJ Yin, JB Qiao, KK Bai, JC Nie, L He, "Direct probing stacking order and electronic spectrum of rhombohedral trilayer graphene with scanning tunelling microscopy", Physical Review B 91, 035410 (2015).